Last update: Wednesday 26th March 2025 08:55:02 pm, GMT
Gold Price Today in Bangalore is 8,934 Indian Rupee (INR)/gram 24K. This is equal to 390.48 (AED) and 106.31 (USD)
Gold price in India is calculated both per ounce, gram, kilogram and tola and for the most common karats.
Gold Price Today in Bangalore in Indian Rupee (INR)
Unit | Rupees (INR) |
Ounce | 277,850 |
1 g 24K (99.9%) | 8,934 |
8 g 24K | 71,473 |
10 g 24K | 89,341 |
1 kg 24K | 8,934,084 |
1 g 24K (99.5%) | 8,889 |
1 g 22K | 8,934 |
8 g 22K | 71,473 |
10 g 22K | 89,341 |
1 kg 22K | 8,934,084 |
** Gold price in AED and USD are converted from Rupees according to the current rate of 1 AED = 22.88 INR and 1 USD = 84.04 INR.
Gold Price Change in Bangalore
Daily Change | 0.12 % |
Monthly Change | 2.68 % |
Yearly Change | 41.51 % |
Interactive Gold Price Charts in Bangalore in Rs/ g 24K
This is the gold price chart in Bangalore in Indian Rupee per gram 24 Carat. Select a time frame for the chart; 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, year to day, 1 Year and all available time. You can also, download the chart as an image or as a pdf file or directly print the chart by clicking on the corresponding button in the top right of the chart.
Silver Price in Bangalore
Silver Price in Bangalore in Indian Rupee (INR)
Unit | Rupee (INR) |
1g | 99.46 |
1kg | 99,455 |
Silver Price Charts in Bangalore in Indian Rupee per gram
This is the silver price chart in Bangalore in Indian Rupee per gram silver. Select a time frame for the chart; 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, year to day, 1 Year and all available time. You can also, download the chart as an image or as a pdf file or directly print the chart by clicking on the corresponding button in the top right of the chart.
send the updated information to my mail…..and and the economic value of gold rate
Hi sangeetha call me on 09964428686 for gold updates. Thank you
Send me gold price in bangalore on every day.
Hi send me gold price everyday basis
Send me gold price in bangalore on every day.
please send a mail for me if gold rate will come down below Rs2000/-
Please inform me daily 22 carat gold price and please let me know when gold price come down to 2000 r’s
Please update always gold price
Send me gold price in bangalore on every day.
Send me gold price in bangalore on every day
Hi sangeetha call me on 09964428686 for gold updates. Thank you
pleas send me gold rate every day
daily gold rate send to my email id
Send daily gold and silver price in bangalore Every day
pls update me when gold rate is high….thank you
Please send the gold rate when it increases
Send me gold price & silver Price in bangalore on every day.
Please update when gold price is down to my email ID.
Hi wen de gold rate is less just inform me
Good site I known today’s gold price in Bangalore by your sit thanks
Any idea what would be the gold rate around Holi?
Plz send every days gold rate to my mail id
Please mail me when the gold rate coming down, also send me the daily gold price
Plz.send gold rate everyday.
Sir I need daily silver and gold rates and at wat will be best to invest and sell basis
When is gold rate coming down plz plz mail me my e-mail ide is ([email protected])
Sir ,i want actual 22 k gold rate on 29/11/14& what the difference between paper rate and jewelers rate. Pse inform me imdtly . regards.
Best website
Update gold price daily
I want to know today’s gold rate
Need daily updates on this
gold rate
Juyelari gold
Please daily gold rate send
need the gold price ist
Please update my gold rate every day
we are happy because gold rate has down
pls give proper information and also give information about 916 carat gold
pls give proper information and also give information about 916 carat gold
Send me gold and silver rates in Bangalore daily
Send me daily update gold silaver
Please update daily gold rate to my mail.
Please give information about gold price at every day on my e-mail.
Pl send me sms when it comes below 27000 per 10g of 24K
Pl send me sms when it comes below 2800 per gm of 24K
Cell no.9886270443
every day send me silver and gold price this email
Bangalore and tirupati
Please update gold rate every day
Please confirm me when gold rate become reduce per gram Rs.2300 .Kindly mail me for this question
Any chances Gold rate further fall in comming daysdays?
Please emaip gold reat evryday