Last update: Thursday 27th March 2025 09:55:02 am, GMT
Gold Price Today in Mumbai is 9,419 Indian Rupee (INR)/gram 24K. This is equal to 411.69 (AED) and 112.08 (USD)
Gold price in India is calculated both per ounce, gram, kilogram and tola and for the most common karats.
Gold Price Today in Mumbai in Indian Rupee (INR)
Unit | Rupees (INR) |
Ounce | 292,940 |
1 g 24K (99.9%) | 9,419 |
8 g 24K | 75,354 |
10 g 24K | 94,193 |
1 kg 24K | 9,419,281 |
1 g 24K (99.5%) | 9,372 |
1 g 22K | 9,419 |
8 g 22K | 75,354 |
10 g 22K | 94,193 |
1 kg 22K | 9,419,281 |
** Gold price in AED and USD are converted from Rupees according to the current rate of 1 AED = 22.88 INR and 1 USD = 84.04 INR.
Gold Price Change in Mumbai
Daily Change | 0.84 % |
Monthly Change | 3.41 % |
Yearly Change | 42.52 % |
Interactive Gold Price Charts in Mumbai in Rs/ g 24K
This is the gold price chart in Mumbai in Indian Rupee per gram 24 Carat. Select a time frame for the chart; 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, year to day, 1 Year and all available time. You can also, download the chart as an image or as a pdf file or directly print the chart by clicking on the corresponding button in the top right of the chart.
Silver Price in Mumbai
Silver Price in Mumbai in Indian Rupee (INR)
Unit | Rupee (INR) |
1g | 104.50 |
1kg | 104,496 |
Silver Price Charts in Mumbai in Indian Rupee per gram
This is the silver price chart in Mumbai in Indian Rupee per gram silver. Select a time frame for the chart; 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, year to day, 1 Year and all available time. You can also, download the chart as an image or as a pdf file or directly print the chart by clicking on the corresponding button in the top right of the chart.
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please send me daily gold rate on my mail ID.
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Dally gold price send.
very informative
daily gold rete
daily gold rate Mumbai in Indian rupee
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Send gold rate on daily basis
Kindly send daily gold rate in INR
Pls send me Gold Rate on daily basis
My gold
Pls send daily gold rate to my I’d…is [email protected]
Shankar Rane
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Kindly send daily gold rate in INR
send daily gold rate in indian rupee
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please send daily gold rate in Indian price
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Please send gold price everyday
up to date information, trustworthy web
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Nice piece of information & very useful for Gold Dealers like us.
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Plz send Gold rate
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Surinder Batra
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Send me daily rate of gold
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