Last update: Thursday 13th March 2025 04:56:50 pm, GMT
Gold Price Today in India is 8,966 Indian Rupee (INR)/gram 24K. This is equal to 391.85 (AED) and 106.69 (USD)
Gold price in India is calculated both per ounce, gram, kilogram and tola and for the most common karats.
Gold Price Today in India in Indian Rupee (INR)
Unit | Rupees (INR) |
Ounce | 278,848 |
1 g 24K (99.9%) | 8,966 |
8 g 24K | 71,729 |
10 g 24K | 89,662 |
1 kg 24K | 8,966,160 |
1 g 24K (99.5%) | 8,921 |
1 g 22K | 8,966 |
8 g 22K | 71,729 |
10 g 22K | 89,662 |
1 kg 22K | 8,966,160 |
** Gold price in AED and USD are converted from Rupees according to the current rate of 1 AED = 22.88 INR and 1 USD = 84.04 INR.
Gold Price Change in India
Daily Change | 2.17 % |
Monthly Change | 3.09 % |
Yearly Change | 38.84 % |
Interactive Gold Price Charts in India in Rs/ g 24K
This is the gold price chart in India in Indian Rupee per gram 24 Carat. Select a time frame for the chart; 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, year to day, 1 Year and all available time. You can also, download the chart as an image or as a pdf file or directly print the chart by clicking on the corresponding button in the top right of the chart.
Silver Price in India
Silver Price in India in Indian Rupee (INR)
Unit | Rupee (INR) |
1g | 101.47 |
1kg | 101,467 |
Silver Price Charts in India in Indian Rupee per gram
This is the silver price chart in India in Indian Rupee per gram silver. Select a time frame for the chart; 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, year to day, 1 Year and all available time. You can also, download the chart as an image or as a pdf file or directly print the chart by clicking on the corresponding button in the top right of the chart.
This is a detailed map of India and Indian cities. For details of gold and silver prices in an indian city, click on the correponding city on the map.
Pls update gold price to my mail which i mentioned above
Pls update the gold price to my mail which i mentioned above
Gold bussniess in Assam Tinsukia a.t road cloth market.
chip rate…
wellcome one and all
Hey any1 can help me to get in dis business…
Please send me gold rate daily
Plz send me daily gold rate through SMS or Through e- mail
And also suggest to buy gold on 27000 rate of 24 karat or not ????
plz send me gold rate daily
gold rate on 31st march 2014 (22k and 24)
i want to sell gold ornaments of 20 gramsof 24 carats..where should i sell to get more money…
pls mail me the value of gold and it rise for the year 2012-13, and 2013-14.
Please provide me todays gold rate on ma email.
Pls update gold price to my email I’d daily
I want to know about invest on gold and about business…l intersted to invest on it…….pls help me
Plz snd me gold price daily…..
I want to gold
Please tail me
Please send daily gold price rate on my email id
Plz let me know daily rate on my email id. Thank you
Please provide me todays gold rate on ma email.
I want to know how much will gold prices increase or decrease in comming days/ it appropriate to buy gold now. Plz if possible write me on my email. Thank u.
Pls give updates of gold rates regularly for purches gold with minimum rates
Please send gold rate daily
Genuine and exact information thanks for tha team
plzz tell me the relationship between gold rate and indian currency.if rate rate of gold increases then what happens to indian currency
Could you please send me Gold rate daily to above mentioned email address daily.
Hello Guys pls contact who wana supply 24kt gold. Contact me urgent [email protected]
Piz give me gold rate daily update in my mail.
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We offer 22 Carat, unrefined gold dore bars of 1kg, purity = [93.7 +] .
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Serious inquiries = africangoldbullion#gmail#com
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very good website. but need city wise gold rate also lime shows
Daily gold rate to my email id
Plz provide daily gold rate to my email address
Is there any chance.of getting gold rate down within 2 months
Daily gold rate
Can we sold gold
Dailygoldrete to my. email. I’d
I want to good quality gold
I want every day gold and silver rates on my email.
I want gold &silver rate parday evening .
Pls mail me daily gold price
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Detais about. Gold.Gold.dawm. or.or . up
I just want know. Daily price of Gold in Indian rupees value because it very help ful for me special for Delhi
It’s wanderfull
Satish pal
i wnt daily alerts of gold & silver rates
I want to buy 500 gm of gold
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